In a world perpetually engaged in the battle against mosquitoes, innovation often thrives on inspiration from the extraordinary. As if guided by a divine whisper, we found ourselves pondering a transformative question: Why settle for repellents when we could harness the Power of Attraction to our Advantage? Could we, in essence, draw mosquitoes like magnets and then intercept their path?

Our quest led us to the intriguing domain of existing devices—most notably, the UV lamps used in the interiors of restaurants, hotels, cafes, hospitals etc. The ultraviolet (UV) light they emit holds the potential to harm human skin due to it's high energy. But carrying a device that resembles a small sun, with its hunger for electricity, didn't seem practical or empowering.

An electronic variant of these lamps emerged as an alternative—enhanced with an inbuilt fan to suck in the mosquitoes. However, while this innovation aimed to address certain concerns, the UV light dilemma persisted, casting a shadow over its attraction. The sheer bulk of these devices, combined with their appetite for electricity, ultimately reduced their appeal. Another question we ask you, is ultraviolet light a complete necessity for mosquitoes? The answer is a NO. Ultraviolet light is surely not a requirement for mosquitoes but instead it is an artificial thing forced upon to attract insects for trapping. We are sacrifcing our health for beating down on mosquitoes that too with an attractant technology that is not a need for the mosquitoes.

With every road seemingly leading to an impasse, we ventured further, guided by nature's inherent wisdom. The main realization was very simple—mosquitoes are attracted to the human blood. We all know this fact. It was a revelation that begged another question: Could we identify other natural substances that draw mosquitoes towards them?
As our minds embarked on a journey into the heart of nature's orchestra, the answer revealed itself with breathtaking clarity. Just as flowers draw bees with their nectar, and the scent of rain awakens the earth, nature holds its secrets close. Armed with this insight, our journey deepened, and we unearthed a treasure collection of nature's own attractants. We sought substances that matched the mosquito's inner cravings—substances they couldn't resist. These natural elements formed the foundation of a new paradigm—an Attractant, not repellent.
The unfolding narrative emerged as a beautiful dance between science and nature, guided by a harmony that defies convention. We harnessed the very essence of life—a blend of fruits, herbs, and natural oils that matched with mosquitoes' instincts. Yet, the journey didn't stop; it extended to innovation. The quest was to maintain balance between harnessing attraction while ensuring safety for humans, the environment, and other non-targeted beings.
In our pursuit, we rediscovered an age-old truth—the answers we seek are often found in the embrace of nature. Mother Nature herself holds the key, patiently awaiting our curiosity to unlock her treasures.
Join us in this awe-inspiring journey—a journey that embraces the whispers of nature, defies the norm, and welcomes a new era in mosquito control. Together, let's announce an era where attraction, not repulsion, guides the way forward.